ABM Premium Support Tasks Catalog


1. Data Analyst Tasks


Monday Engagement Report

  • Compile and analyze data on account engagement from the past week.

  • Highlight key interactions and engagement trends with target accounts.


Friday 'What's Live' Report

  • Provide an overview of all active campaigns and tactics targeting key accounts.

  • Include status updates on campaign reach, engagement, and any immediate insights or adjustments needed.


Monthly Media Report

  • Aggregate data on all media buys and paid advertising efforts related to ABM campaigns.

  • Analyze performance metrics, spend efficiency, and the impact on target account engagement and pipeline.


Quarterly Influenced Deals Report

  • Analyze and report on deals influenced by ABM efforts over the quarter.

  • Include metrics on deal size, sales cycle length, and the role of specific ABM tactics in moving deals forward.


QA Paid Media Efforts

  • Regular quality assurance checks on the work performed by the Paid Media Manager.

  • Ensure accuracy and effectiveness of the targeting, messaging, and execution of paid media tactics.

2. Graphic Designer Tasks


Create Graphics for Campaigns

  • Design graphics and visual elements based on H1/H2/CTA requests for ABM campaigns.

  • Ensure designs align with brand guidelines and campaign objectives.


Adapt Graphics for Multiple Channels

  • Tailor graphics for use across different platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, email, landing pages) while maintaining a coherent brand and campaign message.


Iterate Based on Performance and Feedback

  • Refine and adjust graphics based on performance data and feedback from the marketing team to improve engagement and conversion rates.


3. Paid Media Manager Tasks


Load Tactics in 6Sense and LinkedIn

  • Set up and launch ABM tactics within 6Sense and LinkedIn, ensuring accurate targeting of key accounts.

  • Include detailed targeting criteria, budget allocation, and campaign timelines.


Daily Sprint to Optimize

  • Conduct daily reviews of active campaigns to assess performance.

  • Make real-time adjustments to targeting, bid strategies, and messaging to optimize campaign results.


Monitor and Adjust Budget Allocation

  • Regularly review budget spend across campaigns to ensure efficient use of resources.

  • Reallocate budgets as needed based on performance and strategic priorities.


Report on Campaign Performance

  • Provide regular updates on campaign metrics, including reach, engagement, and impact on target accounts.

  • Collaborate with the Data Analyst to integrate these insights into broader ABM reporting.

Each task is 50 credits

4. Strategic ABM Planning and Consultation


  • ABM Strategy Development: Assist with creating a comprehensive ABM strategy that aligns with business objectives, including account selection, goal setting, and measurement.

  • Account Selection and Segmentation: Guidance on selecting high-value accounts using data-driven methodologies and segmenting them based on potential value, industry, or other relevant criteria.

5. Technology and Tools Integration


  • ABM Platform Setup and Integration: Support with selecting and implementing ABM software solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing CRM and marketing automation platforms.

  • Data and Analytics Integration: Assistance in integrating data sources and setting up analytics for account insights, performance tracking, and ROI measurement.

6. Sales and Marketing Alignment.

  • Sales Enablement for ABM: Providing sales teams with the tools, content, and insights needed to effectively engage and convert targeted accounts.

  • Joint Sales and Marketing Workshops: Facilitating workshops and training sessions to ensure alignment between sales and marketing teams on ABM strategies and goals.

7. Measurement and Optimization

  • ABM Performance Reporting: Setting up customized reporting dashboards to track ABM performance, including engagement metrics, pipeline impact, and revenue influence.

  • Continuous Optimization and Consulting: Offering ongoing consultation and optimization services to refine ABM strategies, tactics, and campaigns based on performance data and evolving business goals.

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