20 Areas You Might Want to Consider when Performing an ABM Audit

abm abm audit Jul 15, 2023
20 Areas You Might Want to Consider when Performing an ABM Audit


  1. Target Accounts: Identify and analyze your target accounts. Are they accurately defined based on your business objectives? Are there accounts that should be included or excluded? Do we have correct data on them? How do they get added to the CRM and what fields need to be applied? How will they get assigned? How often will it be reviewed & updated? Who is responsible for the review & update? Squeeze The Juice Out of Your ABM Program with Found&Chosen. Book your ABM Audit Today. 

  2. Buyer Personas: Review your buyer personas within your target accounts. Are they accurate? Are they complete? Have they changed? At what stage of the Account Journey are Contacts matching the Buyer Persona going to be researched and loaded into the CRM? Do we have correct data on them? How do they get added to the CRM and what fields need to be applied? How will they get assigned? How often will it be reviewed & updated? Who is responsible for the review & update? Squeeze The Juice Out of Your ABM Program with Found&Chosen. Book your ABM Audit Today

  3. Value Proposition: Evaluate your value proposition for each target account. Is it compelling, unique, and relevant to your accounts? Have you mapped how the Value Proposition is communicated at TOF, MOF and BOF? Is there a BOF Value Proposition that can be adjusted for each target account at this stage? Squeeze The Juice Out of Your ABM Program with Found&Chosen. Book your ABM Audit Today.

  4. Marketing Materials: Audit your marketing materials.Have you mapped the account journey stages? Are they personalized for each target account and buyer persona? Squeeze The Juice Out of Your ABM Program with Found&Chosen. Book your ABM Audit Today. 

  5. Channel Efficiency: Evaluate the effectiveness of your communication channels. Are they reaching the correct individuals within the target accounts?

  6. Account Engagement: Look at engagement metrics for each account. Are your target accounts engaging with your content as expected?

  7. Sales and Marketing Alignment: Examine the alignment between your sales and marketing teams. Are they working together effectively towards common ABM goals?

  8. Data Quality: Review the quality of your data. Is it accurate, up-to-date, and complete?

  9. Technology Stack: Analyze the tools and technologies used for ABM. Are they being utilized efficiently? Are there gaps that need to be filled?

  10. Customer Journey Mapping: Review the customer journey for each target account. Are there gaps or areas of friction that need to be addressed?

  11. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Review your KPIs. Are they appropriate for your ABM strategy? Are they being measured accurately?

  12. Account Segmentation: Assess your account segmentation strategy. Is it effective in targeting the right accounts with the right messages?

  13. Campaign Performance: Review the performance of past campaigns. What worked? What didn't?

  14. Lead Scoring: Analyze your lead scoring strategy. Is it effective in identifying the most promising prospects?

  15. Customer Feedback: Review feedback from customers. What do they say about their experience with your company?

  16. ROI Measurement: Evaluate how you measure the return on investment (ROI) of your ABM strategy. Is it accurate and comprehensive?

  17. Content Strategy: Audit your content strategy. Is it aligned with your ABM objectives? Does it effectively engage your target accounts?

  18. Training and Education: Evaluate the training and education of your sales and marketing teams. Do they have the necessary skills and knowledge to execute your ABM strategy?

  19. Partnerships and Alliances: Review your partnerships and alliances. Are they contributing to your ABM strategy?

  20. Competitive Landscape: Analyze the competitive landscape. How does your ABM strategy stack up against your competitors'?

Remember, the goal of an ABM audit is to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in your ABM strategy.

By thoroughly reviewing these areas, you can ensure that your ABM strategy is as effective as possible.



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