Bridging the Gap Between Generations: How to Align Your GTM Strategy with the C-Suite

account-based marketing b2b marketing marketing insights nearbound marketing pilot programs sales strategy team collaboration Oct 12, 2024

In today’s fast-paced B2B landscape, many portfolio managers, C-suite executives, and GTM leaders often feel like they’re speaking different languages. And it’s no wonder—different generations come with different frameworks for operating in business. Sound familiar? If you're tired of banging your head against the wall—or against your fellow team members—let’s break down what’s going on and how to stop the madness.

Why All the Tension?

The core of the issue is simple: we’re looking at a clash of mindsets. Take the C-suite, especially Gen X execs—they tend to rely on older models of business growth. Their focus? Leads, leads, and more leads. The whole playbook might revolve around concepts like MQLs and predictable revenue, approaches that were cutting-edge in 2015 but are now outdated.

Fast forward to 2024, and the rest of the business has moved on. Portfolio managers and GTM teams are thinking in terms of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Nearbound strategies. These frameworks focus on engaging the whole prospect journey and using personalized, multi-channel approaches. But the C-suite is still stuck talking about the same things that worked nearly a decade ago. The big question now is: Whose job is it to reframe their thinking?

Step One: Admit There’s a Reframe Needed

The first step in solving this disconnect is to acknowledge that a shift in mindset is necessary. Too often, the communication gap stems from different generations speaking entirely different languages. The solution? Establish a common vocabulary.

When everyone in the room is using the same terms, it becomes a game-changer for clarity. Executives, marketers, and portfolio managers must agree on shared definitions and frameworks. Whether it's ABM, Nearbound, or predictive analytics, getting everyone on the same page will set the foundation for meaningful conversations—and fewer headaches.

Step Two: Start Small with Pilot Programs

You won’t change minds overnight. Paola from our team nailed it—start with something small. The key is to run pilot programs that demonstrate quick, measurable wins. For example, focus on expanding the average customer value (ACV) of your existing clients. When the C-suite can see concrete, real-world results, they’re much more likely to be open to new strategies.

These small wins provide undeniable proof that modern GTM strategies can deliver. Instead of pushing for sweeping changes from the start, get the executives on board by letting the results speak for themselves.

Step Three: Build Trust Through Proof

Trust isn’t built on theory; it’s built on results. That’s why it’s critical to provide real-world examples, transparent prospect journeys, and clear data points. Don’t just tell your C-suite that ABM or Nearbound will work—prove it. Break down the success stories, show the numbers, and make the journey from prospect to deal as transparent as possible.

When you align trust with proof, you unlock full buy-in from the leadership team. Data-driven results will quiet any lingering doubts and help secure the trust you need to move forward with modern strategies.

Step Four: Forward Planning and Communication

Even with trust established, it’s important to set clear expectations from the start. The C-suite needs to know what’s coming—the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Modern GTM strategies aren’t just about driving results; they’re also highly effective at uncovering areas that need improvement.

If you discover any weak points in your GTM process, be proactive in communicating these issues and outlining the steps you’ll take to resolve them. It’s all about anticipation and preparation. The more transparent you are, the smoother your journey will be.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, the goal is mutual success. Bridging the generational divide between the C-suite and your GTM teams comes down to trust, proof, and a shared vocabulary. The next time you find yourself in the middle of a frustrating miscommunication, remember: start small, build trust, and make sure everyone’s speaking the same language.

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